Yes folks, now I have a blog.
Why would you want to read about the stuff I am going to write about?
No idea!
But I can promise you 3 things:
1.) You will be entertained!
2.) You will be 21% cooler and more likable with each read!
3.) You can take internet stalking to a whole new level by peaking in at intricate details of what
I am thinking!
I always thought blogs were about as lame as the people who typically write them. And by "typically" I mean "always".
However, I feel the sudden motivation to keep one myself. This could be because I am under the misinformed opinion that I am quite awesome, or that I can now say I am a "published writer" in interviews.
In my upcoming blogs, I will tell my story, the way I see it. This means it will probably be pretty fun and will not take itself too seriously.
So, what are you waiting for? Join me in my irreverent look at the world and it's incredible lies and constant disappointments! YAY!
Giddy Up!