21 November 2009

Star Wars vs. Star Trek

Who would win in this battle? My guess: AMERICA.

For the sake of time, this post may not make any sense to those of you that are not nerds.

With that said, I think everybody has a little nerd in them. And if not, would you like some? HAHAHA


YES. This blog has been a long time coming my friends. The epic battle between two space operas that both have legions of devoted fans who will defend their favorite to the death. 

I have literally stayed up for hours on end without the use of ANY type of stimulant and debated this vast and unending controversy with my nerd friends.
And yes, no girls were there. Ever.

I stand on the Star Wars side, but I also love Star Trek, so I will stay as neutral as humanly possible for this debate. 
However, that doesn't mean I won't be completely biased when I see one side kicking the crap out of the other one in any given category.

But before we even get there, lets clear up a misconception that seems to lie in the mind of many women and a few (men) who must have been raised in a cave:



Now that we've established this, let's continue.

Let's look at this age-old debate from several different angles.


      Luke Skywalker vs. Captain Kirk

I know, "What about Captains Picard, Sisko, and Janeway?!?!"

Well, most Trekkers will agree that Kirk is the guy that started it all, so we'll stick with him.


Luke Skywalker started out as a whiny, annoying, flamboyantly gay farm boy who always complained and followed a strange old man who offered to teach him the ways of the Force, a mystical power with which Luke was completely unacquainted. Yeah, he blew up the Death Star, but without Han Solo (baller) and Obi-Wan Kenobi helping him, he would have missed the shot, the Death Star would have blown up Yavin IV, and the entire galaxy would live under the tyrannical Empire forever. The End. As time went on, Skywalker became less annoying, but was never as cool as Han Solo... EVER. Yeah, he helped bring his father, (An even whinier, more annoying brat), back to the good side, but this too wouldn't have meant anything had Han Solo not brought down the shield protecting Death Star II. 


Captain Kirk: B-A-L-L-E-R. First off, the guy is captain of the Federation's flagship. That alone is worth accolades. He also made out with women from pretty much every species in the galaxy, all in the name of diplomacy. B-A-L-L-E-R. In fact, Kirk also had the first inter-racial kiss on TV ever with Lt. Uhura. He always had a phaser by his side, but preferred fighting hand-to-hand, just to make things fair. B-A-L-L-E-R. Kirk also had help from his impressive cast of friends, especially Spock. Yet one never wondered whether or not Kirk could have managed to solve any issue on his own. He killed Khan, lost his best friend, found out he could resurrect his best friend, STOLE THE ENTERPRISE FROM SPACEDOCK, resurrected Spock, saved the Earth from some whale probe thing; and when it was all said and done, only got demoted for stealing and destroying the Enterprise. Most people would be court marshaled and executed for such things, Kirk managed to get demoted from Admiral to Captain ("Oh no, I can't train Starfleet Academy cadets on Earth anymore. Nooooooooo. ") and he got to command the newly rebuilt Enterprise, NCC 1701-A.  This guy is BALLING OUT OF CONTROL.



    There is nothing more sinister than Vader, Palpatine, and whoever the red guys are.

Darth Vader was voted the greatest movie villain ever by the American Film Institute and on a Yahoo poll I saw years ago. There is no better representation of evil than this half-man, half-machine, cloaked in all black, and voiced by James Earl Jones. He showed no mercy, ever; slaughtered countless Jedi children, cut off his son's hand, tortured his daughter, and oversaw the construction of two space stations that had the singular purpose(s) of destroying planets. He would be great to have at your side in a fight, and you would certainly not want to be caught at the receiving end of his force choke... or his lightsaber. When Vader turned back to the light side of the force, and Luke took off his helmet to reveal a weak old man, scarred and burnt to a crisp, it was a shock to everybody. That's Vader?!?! An old man?!?! I honestly wish Vader would have stayed evil, because that final reveal at the end of Return of the Jedi is a huge WTF moment for me. I know that it was how the story needed to end, but couldn't Vader have been cooler looking under the helmet? Or a black guy? Growing up I always thought he was...
Emperor Palpatine is just an evil bastard. He's like a coniving old politician, manipulating things to do his will while laughing hysterically at the chaos he's caused. In fact, I believe Palpatine very recently served in the US Senate...

   Apparently, Palpatine did not die in Return of the Jedi

I guess you could consider Boba Fett an antagonist... but he is simply too B.A. for my brain to wrap around without exploding.

So, yeah... Klingons. They're pretty tough and are very concerned with "honor". They als-- Wait, is that Christopher Lloyd?! Okay, that makes Klingons automatically cooler. They have a way of making you root for them, because they're not evil per se, they're just angry. Their heads look like butts and the only mustache style they can grow is a fu manchu. You know... I'm not going to talk any more about Klingons. That is Christopher Lloyd in the picture, and this is all that matters.
Romulans suck. They're just vulcans who are emotional. They even look exactly like Vulcans, so it's almost like Gene Roddenberry got lazy and said, "Let's just reuse the pointy ears, only, they're on bad guys this time."
The Borg rock. Their only concern is assimilating other species and adding other biological significance to their own. Why do they want to do this? Who cares? THEY'RE EVIL. And there's no way to destroy them. Even the Borg Queen has been killed several times, but since the Borg have a collective consciousness, she can never really die.
But none of Star Trek's villains matter because none of them can use a lightsaber.



Lightsabers and Death Stars. 

Phasers and dilithium crystals? POOP.



Just two guys trying to watch the Lions get beat again, which angers Chewie. 

Han Solo is one of my favorite characters in any movie, EVER. He's a scoundrel pirate with a heart of gold. He doesn't take crap from anybody, and in the end, gets the girl and the Wookiee. And check out those boots! Solo is making a fashion statement very similar to what girls in their twenties are wearing today, and still manages to look like a total pimp. 
And Chewbacca? I mean... c'mon, IT'S CHEWBACCA. Never before has a character who only grunts and barks been so pivotal to any story (Sorry, Margot Kidder). And see that thing he's wearing across his chest? What is that? Does it matter? No. Chewbacca rules and anybody who thinks otherwise can call me on my personal phone line to have it out with me. 616-322-1309. Seriously, that's my number, call me. 


Yoda is the greatest muppet ever, and is the only muppet capable of MAKING ME CRY WHEN HE DIES. Who would have thought in those first scenes of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back that the crazy little green guy who was bothering Luke was the most powerful Jedi Master alive? Not even Luke believed it, and Luke sucks! Yoda taught Luke how to be a Jedi unlike his father by keeping his emotions in check and by conquering his fears, a lesson we all could use from time to time. Moreover, Weird Al Yankovich wrote a song about Yoda that was better than the song it was based on, Eric Clapton's Lola.

Leia's alright, I guess. Kind of just filler in a galaxy ruled by (men). 

Never forget, evil Spock has a goatee.

A recent survey conducted by Entertainment Weekly found that Spock is the most popular alien in all of American media (Not Superman?!?!). And this is not without good reason, Spock is friggin Awesome. The weird thing is, I can't put my finger on why I find him so cool, because he's honestly kind of boring. I mean, the guy shows no emotion at all. But maybe that's his appeal; placed in perilous situations where certain death is imminent and the odds are grim, Spock stays as collected and stone-faced as Steven Segal after botox injections. Spock is the antithesis to Kirk's emotional nature. Their relationship is the perfect Yin and Yang symbiosis. Without Spock, there is no Star Trek.
Dr. McCoy is pretty sweet too. Watching he and Spock go at it is always enjoyable, particularly since McCoy is such a grouchy crotch, and it pisses him off that he can never get a rise out of Spock. And I loved how they never explained any of McCoy's medical devices; they simply made people better by beeping and flashing. As time went on, and as the entire cast got older, McCoy got less and less crotchety and even developed a friendly relationship with Spock. This could be due to McCoy carrying Spock's katra after Spock died, which allowed Spock to live again in the first place. By Star Trek VI, Spock and McCoy work together to save the Enterprise from assured destruction by performing "surgery" on a photon torpedo to allow it to track a cloaked Klingon Bird of Prey.
I really enjoyed watching the evolution of all relationships within Star Trek, and have trouble choosing between the two...




 Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom Menace
Garbage. Why, George? Why... I still have nightmares about that little jerk playing Anakin. "Yipee!"

Star Wars: Episode II, Attack of the Clones
Better... but not great. At least this film felt like Star Wars.

Star Wars: Episode III, Revenge of the Sith
Excellent. Dark, moody, and tragic. The final 30 minutes of this movie make up for all of the prequel trilogy's disappointments.

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Classic. Four Stars. Amazing.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
A rare sequel that is better than its predecessor. This is my favorite movie of all time.

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
I HATE EWOKS. But other than their annoying presence in this movie, it's dang near perfect. But seriously, EWOKS?! How am I supposed to believe that they could take down the Empire?

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
HAHAHA. What a piece of crap. 2 hours of sitting and watching paint dry. I would rather watch Episode I. Seriously, Episode I.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
This movie rules. So awesome it makes you wish it had been the first one."KHAAAAAN!!!"

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Pretty good. And this is the one with Christopher Lloyd, so WATCH IT.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
A funny Trek movie? Yup. I enjoy this one.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
So, in this one, the crew finds God in the center of the galaxy. Yep, God. Wack. Awful. Bad special effects. Unacceptable.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
PHAT. Lots of action and sweet space battles.

Star Trek VII through X
Who cares? Spock's not these. "But Data is!" Stuff Data. SPOCK!

Star Trek XI
The new Star Trek movie is AWESOME. What an incredible re-boot of the franchise. I can't wait for the next one.



So... who wins this battle?


Whichever one you like best wins. They're both awesome franchises and they both have high points and low points.

Again, I personally prefer Star Wars. But if you prefer Star Trek, or Stargate, or Lord of the Rings, then you stick with that and run with it!

Unless you prefer Twilight.




  1. Unless I missed something, this had nothing to do with the changing political landscape, or maybe I missed it because 1) it was too deep for me, or 2) I did not read the whole thing. Sorry Wes. Let me say that I agree that without Indiana Jones disabling the deathstar the darkside would have power over the universe (...they are in control of the whitehouse currently sooo maaaybe). Star Wars is Bad Ass, Trek is for fags!

    additional notes: the fashion statement about Dr. Jones, I mean Han Solo, (Most Prodigious Baller of the big screen ever!) was quite possibly one of your greatest insights of your entire rant.

  2. I understand, Doc. It was a long post; a labor of love and PASSION. And it had nothing to do with the changing political landscape... except for my picture of Zell Miller as the Emperor. That's one of the best pictures I have ever found, EVER.

  3. I am now most sorry that I voted for Senator Miller. I am writing a letter of apology to Han Solo immediately following this posting.

  4. By far the BEST post ever. EVER! I was laughing so hard out loud that I can't, in good conscience, write "lol", because it was REAL laughter! So awesome! Lloyd, SPOCK and (men), that's all I can say!

  5. One missing and (vitally important) factor was omitted from the Supporting Characters category, one the may swing the the draw in favor of Star Wars. What about R2-D2? The most handy sidekick (and besides Twiggy) the coolest robot EVER.

    Joel Addis (Mike kick's ass!)

  6. Well, Joel, if we go that route, we have to take into consideration of supporting cast who die and come back.

    For Star Wars you have Obi-Wan Kenobi who is this FRIGGEN AWESOME Jedi, and after the Jedi Purge he becomes a creepy old man, who sacrifices himself to allow Luke to become more powerful. But he shows up now and then as a creepy old man who is now an ethereal spirit to offer aid and advice to the whiny brat that is Luke Skywalker.

    On the Star Trek side you have Tasha Yar...I know, she's from The Next Generation, but bare with me. She dies in the episode "Skin of Evil", and it makes EVERYONE happy, because Worf was way cooler than her anyway...I mean think about it, a Klingon serving STARFLEET?!?! Not even Lloyd could have thought of that! But she too comes back...not as a ghost or a comforting spirit. No, she comes back as her own sister! Yeah! Her SISTER! Oh and there's a few "time altering" episodes she was in as herself...but those sucked balls!

    Advantage: Who cares! They both, in a strange way, came back from the dead!

  7. Tasha Yar was WACK.
    The reason the actress who played her, Denise Crosby, left the show was because she thought it was not going to be successful (whoops!).
    And R2 was an unfortunate oversight on my part. Particularly since he (and C-3PO)are the only characters who are in every movie. Well, technically Anakin is too, but he was Darth Vader in Eps. 4-6.
    And, I must reiderate,

  8. I concur. Its official, the decision for Denise Crosby leaving Star Trek to pursue her career as "mom" in Pet Cemetery was informed by the fact that her Star Trek character Tasha Yar SUCKS! Now... lets move on to my next point. And bear in mind, Im playing devil's advocate but shouldn't Star Wars loose a point for introducing Jar-Jar? Discuss.


  9. i was very disappointed with the results of this. Star Wars legitimately is better, you know it, grow some and say it. hahaha jk dude. but i totally agree with your twilight opinion.

  10. Well done sir! I quite enjoyed this post. PS: We should watch some more Star Wars/Star Trek sometime : )

  11. Mike, I remember listeing to "Yoda" by Weird Al when we were kids. There's only one flaw in this entire blog. "Lola" was written by the Kinks, and the Clapton song you're thinking of is "Layla". Other than that I cracked up several times. good work.


  12. Caleb,
    I agree, but will respect the opinons of those who don't, since I also enjoy Trek.
    Soon my friend.
    WHOOPS! I did not know that. Thank You for correcting my lack of musical knowledge. Wasn't Layla written about George Harrison's wife or something?
